29 June 2007

Flying Solo: Reflections on Community

Since about the beginning of June, I have heard the phrase, “So you’ll be flying solo while the team is in Russia, huh?” My answer has always been, “Yes, but we have a great team of deacons that will help me out.” As I’m writing this, it is 8:00 a.m. on Thursday and Jamie has already called to check in with Molly. It is very, very quiet in the office this morning, and yet, already today a problem has been solved by the willingness of a deacon. I am hardly “flying solo.”

The more I thought about that, the more I realized that no one ever can do ministry alone. It takes a team to do just about everything we do. Even something as seemingly “solo” as preaching involves the work of many scholars over the years, all of the listening ears, those who typed and printed the bulletins, and the Spirit of God to move among us.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that Paul’s image of the body is completely accurate. We cannot all be eyes or no breathing will happen. And we can’t all be lungs or we will not have vision! But in the same manner, we must have all of those components. We must

breathe, think, eat, move, and process in order to thrive. I encourage you to think about that these next few weeks as our numbers diminish. Remember that your part in this body is vital to its function. And remember that none of us can ever really fly solo. I’ll meet you in ministry this month!


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