09 November 2009


Today has been a strange day. I might even call it a hard day. When I'm feeling sorry for myself and frustrated with my situations, I turn to these faces, who remind me that it's all about perspective.

The day my feet touched Guatemalan soil, my life was forever changed. The people that make no difference to my culture, to my pace, to my daily life suddenly had names. They had stories. They had families and hurts and joys.

I found in them something I've never found here. I won't glamorize it and call it contentment or joy or peace. I don't know what it is, exactly, but it isn't fully those things. It's more like steadfastness. The people of Guatemala, particularly the children, just keep going. Today probably looks identical to yesterday with no promise that tomorrow will be any different.

But they live that day.
And they don't complain.
They revel in the good moments and live the not-as-good moments.

On days when I want to wallow, I am reminded that perspective is key.
I don't pity them.
I miss them.

That makes today a different day.

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