02 November 2012

Gratitude: Day 2

Today I am thankful for Chris.

He's more than my husband.
He's my friend.

Fridays often have a different pace for us.  I work a shorter day and he is off.  Today we made it a date.  He drove me to work and then picked up afterward for a date.  We saw a movie and had our favorite pizza for dinner.  Simple.  Easy.  But so nice!

We talked about all sorts of things during dinner.
We made it a priority to put the phones away and focus on one another.
I love him for that!

And today is just a sample of what I love about Chris.

He's smart, he's fun, he's funny, he's a great daddy, husband and pastor.

And he's all mine.

Today I'm so grateful I get to live life with this man.

Love you, Chris!

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