05 November 2012

Gratitude: Day 5

The time change always messes with me a little bit.
Orphan Sunday always messes with me a LOT.
When they fall on the same weekend, you're pretty well guaranteed it's going to be a rough day.

Add to that the fact that two of my dearest friends are in Guatemala on that day, loving on some of my favorite orphans in the world, and yesterday I was just a downright mess.

Nothing was different when I woke up this morning.
Becca and Greta Jo were still in Guatemala.
147 million orphans still woke up without a mommy or daddy.
I still had to go to work.

But today was different.  Today I was grateful for the chance to get up.  For the opportunity to stop feeling pity and start doing something about it.

Being sad that my current station in life does not allow me to bring 15 orphans home to love doesn't do anything for anyone - including myself and my family.

But being brokenhearted for them has the power to help me be a better person on their behalf.

And so I crawled out of bed this morning with a new appreciation for the fact that each new day brings a new opportunity.

The God Who Wastes Nothing (thanks for that great quote, Rob!) knows my heart.  That God knows that the pain I bear for the orphan has a purpose.  The God who Wastes Nothing will not allow my tears to be useless in this world.

And so today, I am grateful for the opportunity to wake up with a new perspective on life.  I'm grateful that even on the days I'd rather wallow in my bed, God knows.  I'm grateful that even when I choose pity over action, God wastes not even that.  I'm grateful for fresh eyes to see this day.

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