02 March 2018

Keeping a Holy Lent: Day 17

We all live off his generous bounty,
 gift after gift after gift.
    We got the basics from Moses,
        and then this exuberant giving and receiving,
    This endless knowing and understanding—
        all this came through Jesus, the Messiah.

John 1, The Message.
I don't always use The Message because it is an interpretation rather than a translation.
But sometimes it is good to hear familiar words from a new voice.

We live off Jesus' generous bounty - gift after gift after gift.

I needed that reminder this week.
I needed to be reminded that it's not just a one time thing.
That there are gifts around me in a million different ways.

I forget that.
I forget that a great hug is a gift.
I forget that a rich food, full of flavor, prepared for me, is a gift.
I forget that a warm sunny day is a gift.
I forget that my opportunities to worship in a variety of churches are a gift.

It's a generous bounty!
So much goodness exists in this world.

It's easy to get bound up in the heavy.
In the travel.
In the altered diet.
In the loneliness.
In the anxiety.
In the uncertain parts of life.
In the bills.
In the checklists.
In the daily-ness of life.

It's easy to forget the gifts we have been given.

Today, I am simply grateful.
Grateful for the little things that are gifts.
And grateful for the heavy things.
Because they remind me that the good days come, too.

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