03 May 2006

One Chosen and Set Apart

Since my own ordination just under two months ago, I have had the opportunity to witness two more. I have watched my friends enjoy their day with tears of happiness. I have had the opportunity to whisper words of encouragement and prayer into their ears. And each time it has reminded me of the amazing things those I love most said to me. Each in their own special way they reflected our relationship in what they said. As my friend Eric said at his ordination, "When I look at this room full of people, I see a mosaic of me."

As I look to the next few weeks when I will begin to live into my "chosenness," I realize how special the ordination day is in Baptist life. It is the only time that a mosaic of me will be in a room together and send me forth with their mark of approval. It is the time that they have set me apart.

And that is something I will remember for the rest of my life.
With each ordination, I remember a little more about my own.
With each whispered prayer I offer, I remember why I responded to this choosing.
With each friend that commits to this, I feel a little less alone.
We have one another.

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