21 March 2008

A Good Friday

I can't believe it's 11:30 and I'm still awake.

It has been a long week at Immanuel. Beginning on Sunday evening, we have spent 6 hours in worship together this week. The time set aside for this purpose has been exactly what I needed this year, but the preparation time has been long and arduous, at times. I expected to come home tonight and crash, knowing that tomorrow is our annual Easter Egg hunt and Sunday begins around 6:00 a.m. with a sunrise service. I expected to be more than ready to crawl into bed and sleep that kind of sleep that is so deep you barely even roll over.

But instead, I'm sitting here wide awake, browsing the blogs of people I love. My mind is racing tonight. I'm thinking about Lindsey and trying to figure out the best way to pray for her as she prepares to go see her daughter. I'm thinking about the gorgeous weather we had today, and how great it was to spend the afternoon outside with my dog. I'm thinking about the 70+ children that will scatter across the front lawn of Immanuel in the morning. I'm thinking about the story I will read to them. I'm thinking about Guatemala, and Becca, and Melissa. I'm thinking about how good it feels to have had today. And I'm thinking about my life.

I have discovered in a new friend a new joy in thinking about my life. It is good for me to blow the dust off my brain cells every once in a while and think critically about what makes me tick. I have done a lot of that in the past two weeks, and today I took some time to absorb all of it. Carving out time for reflection is what keeps me balanced. It keeps me centered.

Fridays are usually busy days at the church. The offices were closed today, which jarred my regular pattern of living just enough to free me up to think. I am grateful for today like I haven't been grateful in quite a while.

Days like today liberate my spirit.
It has been a good day.


Katie said...

A good friday and a good post. Thanks for sharing it, friend!

Becca said...

I'm glad youre so "lifted" - praying for you!

Peace and Hugs,