24 May 2008

Landon Loves

Most of you know that I have a boyfriend. He'll be 2 next month. Check out this great video from his GrandDaddy's wedding today. He spent about 2 hours doing exactly this!

Here are a few super-cute pictures from today, too.

I might love him a little more because he can dance and eat M&M's at the same time!

There is something instinctive about a girl and her daddy dancing.
We just know how to do it.

This is my favorite picture ever of Phillip & Laurrelle.

I'm telling you, this boy has serious dance moves!
You should have seen him. It cracked me up!


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous...;)

Ferris Family said...

I love your boyfriend, he just gets cuter and cuter. Those curls! I could play with them for days.