27 June 2009


Do you ever reach the point where prayer seems fruitless?
I don't expect God to reach down and wipe clean the minds of others, and aside from that I don't know how to change some things.

So how do I pray?
How do I ask God to meet this need?
How do I ask forgiveness where I may have gone astray (and how do I know if I did)?

I am determined to resolve some of the issues I've been wrestling for about 6 months now. Come Monday, I will no longer live in the "what am I going to do" phase. I will have an answer. Because I believe that God is telling me it is time.

But the question remains:
What am I going to do?

And I can't seem to pray.

So would you pray for me?
Would you find your way to the throne and talk to God on my behalf?
When the day is right, I will share the story, but for now I ask you to take it on faith that God knows exactly what I need.

Thank you.


heather said...

You'll be on my heart tonight Erin... I hope you find some peace with the answers you're hoping for tomorrow.

Greta Jo said...

Sure thing E~ I love ya!

Come to NJ...