15 November 2010

Life Well-Lived

For all that this day brings, I will be grateful. It has not been that way always when facing a Monday like this one. But today, I will live by grace. I will surround my heart with gratitude. I will continue to count my gifts.

holy experience

#16 Her toothless grin yelling "Daddy!" as she comes running.

#17 Finding peace in the midst of fear

#18 Sweet words from a sweet friend to make my morning

#19 The connectedness of my biological family

#20 Finding roots in my husband's family

#21 Moments like these

#22 A weekend to rest, to find my soul again

#23 A job that feeds us, but also feeds those I serve

#24 Finding hope for the hopeless

#25 The wisdom of the ages reminding me to "let my heart be broken by that which breaks the heart of God"

#26 The rustle of the last few leaves clinging to life

#27 Clinging to a Life Well-Lived today

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